“The quiet courage of those who take the first steps toward change.”

  • Available in 30×40cm & 50×70cm

  • Delhi, India 2021

    • Fujifilm Glossy photo paper (250 g/m²)

    • Fujifilm matte surface for your photos (234 g/m²)

    • Fujifilm Silk (232 g/m²) finish

    • FineArt Baryta (325 g/m²)

    • FineArt Photo Rag® (308 g/m²)

The solitary bird perched on a distant wire embodies the isolation that often comes with standing up for something greater, for a future we may never see but hope to shape. It’s a lonely path at first, one where uncertainty and self-doubt hover like shadows, questioning whether one voice, one action, can make a difference.

Yet, on the opposite wire, a group of birds huddles together, symbolizing the solidarity that forms when others are inspired to join. This contrast reflects the journey of environmental activism—the way one person’s brave step forward can ignite a movement, drawing others who were waiting for someone to lead.

This photograph is a story of resilience and hope, an invitation to the viewer to consider their own role. It’s a reminder that while the journey may begin alone, each action has the power to inspire and grow into a collective force. In a world facing immense challenges, this image calls on each of us to take that first step, to trust that others will follow, and to believe that together, we can create a wave of change.


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